July 2019

Wind Energy Coming to New York

Recently, Governor Andrew Cuomo selected the European wind farm giant Equinor to build the 816-megawatt offshore wind farm coming to the area. Equinor is considering leasing the South Brooklyn Marine Terminal in Sunset Park for both the logistics and creation of the wind farm, which would create hundreds of jobs and offer valuable investments into the area in Brooklyn. As a spokesman for the potential partnership said, “The effort to bring hundreds of green manufacturing…

NYC and Minimum Wage

January 1, 2019 marked the implementation of NYC’s minimum wage increase to $15 per hour.  Any place of work that has 10 members of staff or more, has to pay them at least $15 per hour.  NYC will be the 43rd state to raise the minimum wage legally like this. In this article, we look at the impacts of that. In addition, the first US city that is implementing minimum wage for ride-sharing driver employees…

Booming Business Brands

Last week the Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce kicked-off a “Brooklyn Made” program in order to certify the authenticity of products who dare to claim that they are actually and 100% truly “Made in Brooklyn.” Not only will the certification tell consumers where the manufacturer is headquartered, but a rating of gold, silver or bronze will allow the most discerning customers the ability to distinguish between products merely from Brooklyn and products that create manufacturing jobs…