big tech


If pandemic life has taught us anything, it is that life is pretty livable in the cloud. Every aspect of our lives, from work, to school, and even social interactions are now happening virtually. Zoom calls, instant messaging, and chat platforms are how we get together. This means that even as the economy faulters and unemployment rates continue to rise, companies that build or operate the technological infrastructure necessary for online life are doing well. Among the world’s largest…

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Big Tech’s Shining Moment Not So Shiny After All

The novel coronavirus has yielded some obvious changes in our daily life. There is virtually no commute as most people have transitioned to working from home. Parents are now functioning as semi-schoolteachers as they homeschool their kids. Those used to eating out regularly are being forced to explore their own kitchen prowess. Even our online habits are changing. And while these changes in search habits and web activity are mostly for the better, they also…